Development Team Training

Development Team Training

Development Team Training 1 day Classic Training  Home $ Trainings $ Development Team Training In this training, we provide future members of development teams with comprehensive methodological competence for the tasks and responsibilities in agile...
Kanban Training

Kanban Training

Kanban Training 1 Day Classic Training  Home $ Trainings $ Kanban Training The Kanban methodology is, next to the Scrum methodology, the most widely used agile methodology in current organizations. It can be combined with almost all agile practices...
Product Backlog Workshop

Product Backlog Workshop

Product Backlog Workshop 1 day (depending on the project) Workshop  Home $ Trainings $ Product Backlog Workshop During the one-day interactive workshop, all requirements of the project are worked through and structured together with the participants....
Project Discovery

Project Discovery

Project Discovery 1 day (depending on the project) Workshop  Home $ Trainings $ Project Discovery The challenge in the creation of (agile) projects is the project delimitation in terms of time, content and organization. This ensures equal...
Workshop Retrospectives

Workshop Retrospectives

Workshop Retrospectives 1 day (depending on the project) Workshop  Home $ Trainings $ Workshop Retrospectives The retrospective is an integral part of every agile way of working. Looking back improves the view of today and tomorrow. True to the motto...

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