To ensure our success in the long term, we rely on high standards.



About Us



Tagueri AG

Compliance at Tagueri 

Mutual respect and trust between employees, business partners and all stakeholders and a clear commitment to compliance with laws and standards are fundamental for Tagueri AG to succeed. The Tagueri management systems provide the framework for this and ensure the necessary transparency in the company. We handle compliance, quality, information security, data protection, and occupational safety through the translucent process, roles, and rules in a structured manner.


The Code of Conduct sets legal compliance and adherence to laws and standards by the company and its employees, as well as integrity, honesty, and business ethics. In addition to guidelines and tools, it is above all the rule-compliant behavior and professional standards of all employees that contribute to achieving our goals. Through active participation, we can jointly maintain and improve our standards. The corporate culture at Tagueri takes hold at all levels of the company. It goes hand in hand with the theme of “Tone from the top”. Our managers must themselves demonstrate the behavior they expect from employees through an active, consistent, and lasting commitment.


Quality Management System  

Based on Tagueri AG’s corporate strategy, the quality management system forms the basis for implementing the quality of our performance in customer projects as well as the quality of internal procedures and processes. In addition to the processes, rules and tools, quality awareness and professional standards of all employees contribute to achieving the quality objectives. We can together meet our high-quality standards through active participation in the quality management system.

Information Security

The information security management system describes Tagueri AG’s information security policy with the help of information security guidelines and the resulting duties, responsibilities and controls, particularly concerning Tagueri’s information security management system. The information security guideline refers in its structure and approach to the model of ISO 27001:2013. A culture of secure handling of information, applications and IT systems is promoted in line with this policy. The culture is shaped by the principle that prevention and personal responsibility take precedence over control and monitoring. Since security cannot be realized through technical measures alone, all employees are informed regularly and at the appropriate level. 



As soon as we collect, use or process personal data, the requirements of the GDPR are binding for us. Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. Personal data is always processed in a lawful manner and in a way that is comprehensible to the data subject. 

Occupational Safety and Health

The responsibility covers technical employee protection and all Tagueri AG’s prevention areas. The company’s occupational health and safety organization forms the framework for internal measures designed to guarantee the protection of employees from operational hazards. The aim is to ensure health protection and occupational safety at work through targeted planning and optimum cooperation between the company management and all employees. The focus here is on the following topics:

-Instruction and education on the subject of occupational health and safety
-Instruction and education of first aiders & fire protection assistants
-Organization of fire drills
-Design of workplaces and workflows
-Determination and implementation of measures for hazard prevention



Corruption prevention at Tagueri AG helps prevent corruption from the outset to preserve the reputation and integrity of Tagueri AG and its employees and maintain and strengthen the trust of third parties. The Anti-Corruption Guideline was drawn up on this basis, creates the framework for supplementary regulations and provides guidance for everyone. Auf dieser Basis wurde die Richtlinie zur Korruptionsbekämpfung erstellt, schafft den Rahmen für ergänzende Regelungen und gibt allen eine Orientierungshilfe. 

Whistleblowing System

We offer an anonymous complaints mechanism. We take critical questions, concerns, and complaints seriously and ensure that all reported concerns are investigated. We strive for appropriate remediation by the responsible party. Whistleblowers are protected. Statements made by whistleblowers will be treated confidentially. Hinweisgeber werden geschützt. Aussagen der Hinweisgeber werden vertraulich behandelt. 


Form: Anonymous Whistleblowing System


    The Compliance Team is available to all employees and third parties for further questions relating to compliance and the established management systems.

    Gunthard Bücker

    Head of Quality & Compliance

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