Individual development opportunities for our employees.
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Career at Tagueri

Your Development – Your Path at Tagueri

At Tagueri you can try different tasks to find your way. Come on board with us, gain experience and find your way. Together we will set the compass for your future development and build on your strengths. Whether your professional journey is towards expertise in a technical area, consulting, operations or internal services – we’ll tackle it together! When we start professionally, it’s a beginning. When we stick together, that’s progress. But only when we also work together is that success.


You will develop into an expert in a technical subject. In doing so, you will contribute to establishing expertise at Tagueri in the long term and multiplying your know-how.


In consulting you will develop into a methodical consultant with a focus on processes, strategy and innovation. You will advise our clients on methodological topics and lead larger projects.


You will develop your sales and leadership skills and take responsibility for coaching and developing customers and our team.

Internal Services

You will develop your skills in a service area and ensure that Tagueri AG’s internal services run smoothly. Thus, you support the operational business and work together to advance the company.

Employee Stories

Melina Voigt

Melina Voigt


“At Tagueri, the focus is on people, whether in our collaboration or in customer projects. This enables me to develop creative solutions and take on new challenges every day.”

Can you tell us something about your career at the company?

When I started my career at Tagueri in May 2022 as a young professional, I was full of anticipation for the upcoming challenges in the customer projects. As a business psychologist, I initially had concerns about whether the technical project environment would suit me and whether I would be able to understand complex interrelationships. However, these concerns quickly proved to be unfounded. I quickly found my way around my customer projects in the automotive sector.

My soft skills and experience from my studies and internships helped me to take on responsibility early on. After just six weeks, I was leading my first customer workshop, giving presentations to large audiences and driving internal projects forward. In customer projects, I overcame the initial uncertainty and developed from operational tasks to advisory activities in which I contribute my experience, expertise and specialist knowledge.

How would you describe the corporate culture here and how has it influenced your development?

At Tagueri, values such as openness, trust and solution orientation are really lived. I was trusted early on and was allowed to prepare customer workshops, drive internal projects forward and implement my ideas, regardless of my title.

The open doors at management level enable the exchange of ideas and joint development. The close exchange and openness, together with the training opportunities, broaden my horizons and give me new perspectives. The practical implementation of my ideas boosts my self-confidence, stage presence and rhetoric. All in all, the culture is exactly what it promises – based on our five core values: openness, trust, team, performance and success.

What advice would you give to other employees who want to pursue a similar career at Tagueri?

Communication is everything! Communicate your needs, but also your challenges. Experienced colleagues are always ready to listen and can provide valuable input. Also take advantage of the opportunities offered, be it through training, courses or project participation. The last point I would actually mention is personal contact. If you have the opportunity, it makes sense to exchange ideas with colleagues in the office. This way, opportunities can be recognized more quickly, you can get to know your team members and their work better and broaden your perspective.

“Even as a career changer in the aviation industry, I was trusted and given responsibility from day one.”

You have been with Tagueri for over ten years - what is your career path in the company?

I started my career as a Junior Consultant at Tagueri straight after completing my degree in International Business & Management in 2011. For more than 10 years, I was able to support various customer projects in the aviation industry. First as a team member, then as a team leader and later as a senior manager – here I worked with a team of over 20 great people on two key clients in the aviation industry. After my parental leave, Tagueri gave me the opportunity to realign my career. Since 2022, as Senior Manager People, I have been responsible for recruitment, employer branding, employee development, employee experience and HR administration. A new, very exciting area in which I am helping to strategically shape Tagueri with a great team.

How does Tagueri support you in your daily job?

You can always find advice and support in the Tagueri network – whether for a challenging project or personal development. It is often a small tip, an experience or an idea from a colleague that provides the decisive impetus. My superiors trusted me right from the start, consistently assigned me project management and leadership tasks, gave me scope for decision-making, but also demanded performance and responsibility. The opportunity to venture out of my comfort zone of customer consulting was an enriching experience. And it still is!

Women in management positions - in your opinion, is this also possible at Tagueri?

Absolutely! Today, as a Senior Manager, I am responsible for a team of around 25 employees and the supervision of a strategically important area for our organization. Every day, I am committed to developing Tagueri further, maintaining our positive spirit and offering new employees the same prospects that I had.

Anja Bell

Anja Bell

Senior Manager

Matthias Nils Bruske

Matthias Nils Bruske

Senior Consultant

“For me, Tagueri means the perfect mix of mutual trust, high flexibility, professional challenges, and a young, dynamic work environment – I actually come to the office with a grin every time!”

Your first days at Tagueri: cold water or warm welcome?
From my point of view, both, and each in a positive sense! I started with several colleagues in a three-day onboarding program at the Hamburg office. Thanks to the warm welcome, the initial excitement quickly faded. After a get-to-know-each-other round, one of the managers set us several small training tasks that we were immediately challenged. In the course of this, we were also given a practical demonstration of Tagueri’s feedback culture – although we had all just met, we gave each other direct, open, and goal-oriented feedback. That was a refreshing experience and strengthened our team spirit. Thanks to the onboarding, we were very well prepared for the first contact with the customer and started with our sleeves rolled up. In the project, I was very well received by my experienced colleagues and, after a short induction, was allowed to lead several Scrum teams directly. In this respect, it’s a mixture of a warm welcome and jumping in at the deep end: thanks to the pleasant and collegial atmosphere, I felt all the more confident about taking on responsibility straight away.
What do you think makes the job at Tagueri special?
Even during the application process, my current manager clarified that Tagueri was looking for “entrepreneurs” for itself. Employees are given much confidence and are allowed to try things out. The credo is “Run as far as you feel safe, and beyond that we’ll run together”. This culture of trust creates a relaxed atmosphere in the company because employees feel empowered and are open and honest with each other. For my day-to-day work, this means that I can try out new topics and that “doing” is desired and intensively encouraged. Accordingly, my learning curve on the job is very steep, and I notice how I successfully move things forward on my own initiative.
What words would you want new Tagueri colleagues to take with them?
For new starters, I recommend getting involved with the culture at Tagueri from the very first moment. That means asking questions, tackling problems, trying things out, getting feedback, and giving feedback yourself. Direct and open communication is a top priority at Tagueri – so don’t start with the handbrakes on. Everyone is encouraged to participate actively. This can certainly be challenging at the beginning with many new faces and a large amount of new information, but at the same time, you grow very quickly, and the shared sense of achievement reinforces this approach.

Are you interested in evolving with Tagueri?

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