Tackle tomorrow's diagnosis with us today.



Innovation & Technology



Diagnosis with Tagueri

Focus on the Whole

Communication with electronic and also virtual vehicle systems is becoming increasingly important, especially in the automotive industry. From vehicle maintenance, variant management, configuration changes, and functional enhancements to software updates and fault tracking or their remedial actions – everything is interrelated. And as system functions increase, these elements are always interdependent in some way. These are the challenges we face as a diagnostic team: We work agilely in a swarm and use our experts, who contribute their part from each area in an interdisciplinary exchange with their specific know-how, to develop overarching solutions, to set new impulses – and thus to drive the entire project forward across the entire value chain.



What is the diagnosis? – Much more than just error tracking! The term from the “old world” is combined with the technology for the future: Diagnosis 4.0.

Term from the “old world” combined with the technology for the future: Diagnosis 4.0.



In our competence fields of diagnostics, measurement, and testing, we develop various and comprehensive project solutions for our customers.

We work agilely in a swarm and use our experts, who contribute their specific know-how from each area in interdisciplinary exchange, to develop comprehensive solutions.

Knowledge transfer

Workshops and  Trainings

We do not keep our know-how to ourselves! We share our experience and offer training and workshops for beginners and advanced users.

Your Contact Person

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