Designing tomorrow's business today.





Change Management


We Are Shaping Change Together.

In the last ten years, markets and business models have changed more fundamentally than ever before. This means great opportunities for all market players. But those who want to take advantage of these opportunities must also face entirely new challenges: Globally integrated supply chains, new (digital) business and revenue models, new forms of work and organization, and other trends will permanently change the industry. As a consulting and implementation partner, our mission is to tackle the transformation together with our customers actively and shape successful products, processes, and business models for the future.

Change Management


For successful change management, it is essential to recognize when the right time has come for a transformation in an organization. We support you in the analysis and advise you on which prerequisites must be created to change an organization’s long-term success.


  • Inventory, SWOT Analysis
  • TARGET-ACT Definition, Vision, Mission
  • Development of an Implementation Strategy
  • Identification of Key Players
  • Planning of Measures to Deal With Resistance
  • Definition of the New Values for the Corporate Culture
  • Obtain Commitment from Leadership & Organization

Change Management


Active and comprehensive internal communication is indispensable for successful change – this includes a feedback culture. We ensure that your employees are integrated throughout the entire change process and support and shape it. With training and individual coaching, each target group is addressed according to its needs.


  • Communicating the Change
  • Qualification of Employees for Change
  • Coaching Managers for Change
  • Managing Change with the Help of PMO and Reporting
  • Mental Health of Employees
  • Crisis Management

Change Management


Our experience shows that the big challenge in change management projects is not the change itself, but the constant and long-term application of new behavioral patterns, communication processes, and the lived change in the corporate culture. Here, people are the most significant weak point. Together we coach all those involved to make the new things a habit.


  • Communication and Behavioral Training
  • Lessons Learned
  • Opportunity-risk Analysis
  • Establishment of the New Values in the Corporate Culture

Your Contact Person

Katharina Wierschem

Katharina Wierschem

Do you need support in your Change Management project?

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